Bilingual Affirmation Cards for Kids
Bilingual Affirmation Cards for Kids
Bilingual Affirmation Cards for Kids
Bilingual Affirmation Cards for Kids
Bilingual Affirmation Cards for Kids
Bilingual Affirmation Cards for Kids
Bilingual Affirmation Cards for Kids
Bilingual Affirmation Cards for Kids
Bilingual Affirmation Cards for Kids
Bilingual Affirmation Cards for Kids
Bilingual Affirmation Cards for Kids

Bilingual Affirmation Cards for Kids

Regular price $30.00 Save $0.00
311 in stock



About Our Affirmation Cards

This is our deck of 33 affirmation cards featuring 1 Card on What Are Affirmations, 1 Card on How to Use The Affirmation Deck, and 2 Blank Cards to create Your Own Affirmations. Our set is ideal for ages 3-12 but not limited to that age group.

There is complimentary audio of all 33 bilingual affirmations after purchase.

Size: 105x148mm
Round Corner: 3.5mm 

Illustrations were done by the talented artist, Ros Webb, at

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that allow you to focus your mind on a desired outcome or state. Ideal for inspiring, motivating, and improving your thought patterns, positive affirmations penetrate the subconscious mind. Our brains do not know the difference between reality and fantasy unless we dictate the perspective. This same principle is experienced when you watch a movie or TV show and empathize with the characters on the screen. That’s where affirmations can help. Over time, positive affirmations can reprogram your behavior and mind to search for positive outcomes. The result is the reality you want.

How Your Kids Benefit From Affirmations

🌿Builds Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem often plagues children and can bleed into adulthood, leading to severe emotional pain. The I AM WHO I SAY I AM Affirmation cards for kids help combat negative thinking patterns that contribute to low self-esteem. Children who practice affirmations daily are less affected by the words of others. By building self-esteem from a young age, your children are better equipped to deal with the world and enjoy greater self-respect.

🌿Reduced Anxiety

Negative thoughts and patterns frequently cause anxiety. Understanding that you are safe, secure, and loved can combat negative thoughts about oneself and others. By using affirmations regularly, your child can reduce their anxiety levels and improve their belief in themselves.

🌿Encourages Perseverance

Resilience and perseverance are critical to creating a life you love. For children, building perseverance can help them excel in academic pursuits, help them make better decisions, and master their passion. All of this stems from the belief that you can become whatever you desire, and daily affirmations allow kids to believe that.

🌿Inspires Kindness

When we love ourselves, it is easier to love others. Affirmations for self-love help children learn how to love themselves and give them the strength to focus on their positive qualities. Kindness is learned, not an intrinsic quality. Through daily positive words and self-talk, your child can cultivate compassion.

Fun Ways to Use Our Affirmation Cards

 -Random Affirmations.
Shuffle our 33 card deck and pull a random card out every day for surprise affirmations.
-Morning Affirmations
Start the day off right with morning affirmations. Identify a few that make the most sense to your child throughout the week and place them inside their binder or on the fridge. The goal is to make these powerful statements visible so they can enjoy a healthier start to each day.
-Carry Affirmations With You
Have your child pick their favorite affirmations from our deck and carry them throughout the day. Tell them to reference the card when they’re feeling down or when they sit down for lunch.

Buy Our Affirmation Deck